Rep. Anna Eshoo Remarks at House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health Hearing to Improve Seniors’ Access to Innovative Drugs, Medical Devices, and Technology

At a September 19, 2023 House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health hearing titled “Examining Policies to Improve Seniors’ Access to Innovative Drugs, Medical Devices, and Technology,” Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA-16) spoke on recent billing changes that have restricted access to innovative non-invasive post-transplant diagnostics for some organ recipients, saying the following during her opening remarks:

“Many of its local coverage decisions are outsourced to Medicare administrative contractors who wield significant power over more than a billion. That's what the be more than a billion Medicare Fee for Service claims. Each year, these contractors can make a real impact on people's lives. For example, Representative Burgess and I sent a letter to CMS last month, raising our concerns about an ill considered March 2023 billing article from one of these contractors that withdrew Medicare coverage for very important blood tests that help transplant transplant patients stay healthy and keep their new organs. This billing article was issued without without allowing for public comment, including comments from the transplant patients who would be impacted. CMS should intervene as soon as possible.”

To see the Congresswoman’s full opening statement and questions from the hearing, see the video above.


RealClearPolitics: Medicare Restricts Coverage for Vital Transplant Tests


Wall Street Journal: Medicare’s Bad Call on Transplant Tests